Anyways, it was nothing short of totally sweet and worth the drive. Check out the pics!
This was in a place called Red Canyon, about 10 miles from Bryce. Red rocks are always a good deal.

Sea serpent!

This guy kept a watchful eye over me during the hike...

The landscape in Bryce was quite exotic - tons and tons of spires and cool rock formations everywhere...

I hiked around the rim of the canyon from Sunset Point (couple of miles over to the right from here) over to Bryce Point, and then down into the canyon and back across to Sunset. Turned into about a 6.5 mile hike. My dogs were barking when I made it back.
That little white dot in the middle is me. Taking these kinds of pics definitely adds a lot of time and exertion to the hikes - you really have to sprint down to the focal point, as the max delay on the camera is 30 sec!! Loves it.

A deceptively nice open area at the bottom...DON'T hang out here if it were to rain...abundant flash flooding evidence!
I'm messing around a little bit with photo stitching...if you click to explode this, it should be a biggie. What do you think?

...So here it is - the best piece of carrot cake I've ever had. It was at Oscar's Cafe in Springdale (right outside of Zion NP). It was a tough call between this one and a piece I ate on Aug 9th 2003 ~10:15am over in the small coastal town of Portrush in Northern Ireland. Check out the low viscosity of the frosting and how it just rolls off the top. Perfect blend of texture and moisture in the cake too!

I hiked around the rim of the canyon from Sunset Point (couple of miles over to the right from here) over to Bryce Point, and then down into the canyon and back across to Sunset. Turned into about a 6.5 mile hike. My dogs were barking when I made it back.
That little white dot in the middle is me. Taking these kinds of pics definitely adds a lot of time and exertion to the hikes - you really have to sprint down to the focal point, as the max delay on the camera is 30 sec!! Loves it.

A deceptively nice open area at the bottom...DON'T hang out here if it were to rain...abundant flash flooding evidence!

I'm messing around a little bit with photo stitching...if you click to explode this, it should be a biggie. What do you think?

...So here it is - the best piece of carrot cake I've ever had. It was at Oscar's Cafe in Springdale (right outside of Zion NP). It was a tough call between this one and a piece I ate on Aug 9th 2003 ~10:15am over in the small coastal town of Portrush in Northern Ireland. Check out the low viscosity of the frosting and how it just rolls off the top. Perfect blend of texture and moisture in the cake too!
I can't wait for my fall TV - especially the Hills!! Yeah, I miss my tv! No one can harass me, though, cause I read at least a book a week! :)
One of Andrew's top 5 desserts is Carrot Cake - you're too funny! The viscosity of the icing, seriously? Rozzy, Jonny, Avril, and Richard are going to be verrrry disappointed that their local carrot cake has been replaced!
Good job on the splicing! It's pretty darn good!
Even when I was with Andrew in Moab, he would redo a shot because we'd figure out afterwards that it would be a good shot, so he's gotten tons of exercise, he's lost weight, AND, is even tan - where's that pic of your tan arms and white chest, Andrew?
AWESOME pics of Bryce Canyon, Andrew! I loved it when I was there back in '97.
BTW - do Corona & carrot cake really go well together?!? :-)
Loves it - Sarah! Andrew's two favorites (besides me of course!) - beer and cake! :)
I "unstitched" that photo--it's unbelievable and totally awesome!
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