My activity for the day was to check out the "white mailbox" on the Extraterrestrial Highway (rt. 375 in NV). This is a remote and desolate spot outside of a military base ("Area 51") where there are a lot of UFO sightings (or at least military aviation tests of some sort ;) Net result = I'll leave you guessing here...scroll to see pics!
Sweet little campsite at Honeycomb Rocks. Definitely no "bandits" (too far away for anyone to bother!!)

Before heading out of town, I got to take a shower (and bathroom, breakfast burrito, telephone, etc.) at the gas station...this place was totally happening. I'd bet it's a great Friday/Saturday night hangout spot - not too much else in town!!

You know when you fly out west and you see all of the circular farm fields from the window? I saw one of the irrigation systems in action (yeah, I'm so easily amused!) As you can see, the farmer's field is really out in the desert and everything that doesn't get the water is brown or is a rock. Basically the sprinklers on the water pipe are constant, and the wheels move forward about 6 inches every couple of minutes. I didn't have the patience to watch a complete revolution around the field ;)

I passed through another ghost town right near the Utah/Nevada border...eerie just like the one in CO...

...and potentially dangerous!

Pretty desolate out there, but really scenic...

I tried to befriend this guy but he seemed a little skittish and wouldn't let me get too close

So here's the white mailbox on the Extraterrestrial Highway. There's a little parking area to the left of it where you can hang out and watch the night sky. I had also read on the Internet somewhere that you can pitch the tent right there in the parking lot, but I decided not to - it was super windy and there were a lot of flies (although I wonder in hindsight if sweating all day every day exacerbated that problem ;) Anyways, I hung around for a bit and hoped to see something...

...and waited for a little bit longer for night to fall...

...and finally chowed down a nice dinner in the car after seeing squat. There weren't even any other people out there looking around or anything. Once the sun went down, a whole bunch of bugs came out. I guess the aliens aren't too into that!

1 comment:
Funny picture of you eating your peanut butter in the car, notice the green alien in the background. I think you got that during the PMP class...LOL Ana
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