I had read about the Angels Landing hike on the Internet http://www.zionnational-park.com/zion-angels-landing-trail.htm beforehand, and it sounded fine. I did almost yack due to the mental strain (see pics!) - especially in instances where I had to go back and recompose a shot with the camera a few times to get it right!!!
...So in a nutshell the hike coupled with the sleep deprivation left me jonesin' for a nice tranquil place to crash that night. I got pretty close to Nevada - there was a KOA (pretty predictable thus far along the way) in Cedar City, which would give me easy access to Nevada the following day. Let me tell you, I lasted about 20 mins in the campground before I had to bail. It was right next to a busy 4 lane highway. The person at the check in desk assured me that it would calm down by about 8:30 or 9...what a crock! Anyways I ended up leaving and finding something further west (of course the new campsite turned out to be on the opposite side of the noise spectrum...can't there be a nice middle ground?!) The Honeycomb Rocks (http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/dixie/recreation/campgrounds/honeycombrocks.html) park was 10 miles out in the middle of nowhere down unimproved dirt and rock roads. I was the only person out there in the pitch black (scenic with the stars, yes, but also you tend to feel a bit vulnerable with potential animals and stuff!) Even though it was pretty late after I set up the tent, I drove the 10 miles back to a tiny gas station to ask them if it was safe out there (like if I'm the only one out there, do I have to worry about bandits or anything) - they couldn't even comprehend the concept!! They did however tell me a nice story about how they hated NJ because one time they drove through it with their diarrhea-stricken kid and no one would let them use their facilities. Needless to say, another light sleep. Loves it!
I should have known better when I set up camp in Zion...check out that massive tent right next to me!! It easily accommodated all 8-10 kids + parents!!! Note to self - see big tent, avoid like plague...

Here's a huge sheer drop off to my left...as you can see, didn't really want to let go of the chains for the shot. Unfortunately, I had to take this shot 3 times to get the proper exposure etc. Felt great to crawl around on the ledge!!!

Oh yeah, there was a really tame 'munker up there that came right up to me...he was probably looking to nab a little nibble or something, and I'm sure many folks accommodated in the past!

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