Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mountain biking in Mammoth and heading home

My plan for the day was to go from Death Valley up to Lake Tahoe for some more mountain biking. A few hours into the trip I got sidetracked in the Sierra Nevada mountains - another trout hatchery and then some riding at Mammoth.

The ride at Mammoth was super tough. I don't know if it was the massive elevation change in a few hours, the 30mph head wind, or the deep sand on the trail (maybe a combo of all of the above!), but I was totally dead after an hour. At that point I decided to throw in the towel and head home since I was only a few hours out - will have to check out Tahoe another time and give it at least a few days! Besides, the Death Valley camping last night can't be topped - nice to end on a high note!


Standard stuff at the hatchery...

...but then a really nice stocked river on the premises where you could see all of the trout "working out" in the cold clean currents!

So here's the ride on Mammoth Rock Trail (I wish it was a little more rocky...the singletrack was super soft and I thought I was going to die!!)

Made it!!

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