Stopped in Niagara Falls on the way from Toronto to Columbus…check out the pics
I think I’m starting to feel immune to the long car rides…banged out another 5 hours after the falls to Columbus no probs (of course having the Sirius sat radio helps – so addicted to “Covino and Rich” and “Devore and Diana” on Maxim). Dave and Lee Anne have a round pool in the back yard that will be perfect for human powered whirlpools.
Wed Jul 11th:
Shipped my Garmin back…the fact that it died so soon is absolutely weak. Hopefully it’ll get fixed within a week or so. In the meantime, it’s a lot of handwritten directions to every place which is a bit tedious.
Hit a disc golf course in Columbus (Griggs Reservoir Park). It was a pretty good course (not a lot of woods/trees/hazards though), but amazingly packed for a weekday in comparison to how many people would even be playing on a weekend back in NJ. I’d say there were at least 30 people on the course at any given time, and I’d say about 20% were female too…don’t people have to work?? Maybe they were all J&J employees on their severance ;)
Columbus has a HUGE bike path that extends from downtown all the way out to the suburbs. We rode it in/around OSU – although there were a lot of people on it, I bet it would be white hot in the fall/spring when school is in. Dave took a little bit of a digger on the spongy wonder bike seat while going up a hill…ask him about it ;)
Oh yeah, the last highlight of the day was a great dinner at Hooters in Worthington. Hadn’t been to one in years, but of course the food/atmosphere was predictably good - nice wings ;)

Talk about taking advantage of people!!!!!

I love donuts, Habs loves donuts, everyone loves donuts (not just Canadians), and Tim Hortons is a religious experience (hence, it's ALWAYS packed!!)

Bye Canada :(
Dave, after he took a nasty digger on the Spongy Wonder ( bike seat!

Has anyone ever tried to make a whirlpool in a circular pool by getting multiple people to run close to the edge in the same direction? I was in one at a nursery school when I was a kid. I got sucked right under. It was sweet.

Has anyone ever tried to make a whirlpool in a circular pool by getting multiple people to run close to the edge in the same direction? I was in one at a nursery school when I was a kid. I got sucked right under. It was sweet.

Dude, I am still feeling the pain from the Spongy Wonder!
Probably not as much pain as the poor dude that had to pull the all nighter for nothing for that class though!
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