I suppose it's a patriotic duty to stop at Mount Rushmore. It was pretty cool to get up close and see it in person. What wasn't cool was the crowd - so many people were there checking it out and taking pics (no biggie), but a bunch of uptighties too (people need to calm down and take a chill pill). There was this one family right next to me...the dad kept yelling at his kid - Cody get down, Cody sit down, CODY, blah blah blah! Anyways, it was still good to see.

There was so much to do in and around Mount Rushmore (in the Black Hills National Forest), e.g. caves, a big bike trail, Crazy Horse monument, etc. However, I knew I wanted to hit a fish hatchery (if you've never been to a hatchery, it's a highly under-rated activity) in Spearfish SD and another disc golf course at Black Hills State University. I bought a few bags of trout pellets and went to town. The best is getting a full on feeding frenzy going. I think the trout pellets have some kind of oil in them though, as my hands still stink several hours later...I wonder if trout get high cholesterol...

This is an example of a mini should see what happens when you dump an entire bag in there....

The disc at Black Hills State University was pretty good. Definitely got over my slump from the other day in MN and banged out a few birdies. There weren't any students around, but there was some sort of band camp going on. A couple of the holes were next to the dorms and I could hear everyone in there practicing. One thing that stunk though - there was this pesky little river that flowed around the edges of the campus and of course my disc found it's way in there twice. It was JUST deep and wide enough that I had to take off the shoes and wade in. Oh yeah, I also fell into a random hole. I was walking along minding my own business and then all of a sudden I'm down...this thing was ridiculous - totally covered by grass. I'm sure I probably got a good hazing from the band camp ;)
A couple of tricky little holes...

This one wasn't really tricky, but I didn't feel like walking back anywhere else for pics because I had already taken the digger in the hole!

Last but not least, made it to Devils Tower and I'm camping here for the night. Nice little view from the camp site. Also, this KOA plays Close Encounters of the Third Kind every night, so I'll be checking that out. The only potential problem here is that there's some huge entourage of campers (as in it's so organized that there's a giant pavilion tent for them)...hopefully they'll either keep quiet or there'll be some sweet party with frosties and I can make a buddy!

The feeding frenzy at the fish hatchery is truly amazing if you've never seen it. Andrew's taken me to one before where we've dumped the hole bag in and the fish go wild...special moments that Andrew and I have shared - tee, hee!
I absolutely LOVE the hole story - that's hysterical! I can totally seeing that happening to you. And for those folks who don't know disc golf or haven't played or we haven't bored you with the game details, there are truly hazards like the big hole.
One time in MN, actually, I stepped on a black beehive, and ended upgetting stung in many places because they went up my shirt. The funny part of it was that we were on the side of a steep hill, and I ended up running around it screaming my head off, Andrew chasing after me to help, and then me ripping off my shirt....So, there I was on the side of this hill overlooking other disc basket holes where other people were playing and I was in my bra!
Had to share!
P.S. This type of stuff doesn't happen to Andrew...however, he usually ends up rescuing me from some random bug attack!
Andrew, do you remember the time when Dave fell into the Fish Hatchery bond in New Jersey?
...speaking of bugs, every time I want to make a phone call at night it's at the outdoor pay phone - there are massive bugs that will come and land on you, like 3-4 inch flying night beetles and stuff - very traumatic. If it was a survival situation like Man vs. Wild ( I'd have to capture and eat, but right now I'm spoiled with the pancake breakfasts...
I don't remember the hatchery incident, but I do recall you and Dave elbowing each other for prime dock space under the supervision of Tetta down at Wildwood, and Dave getting the short end of the stick!
The feeding frenzy reminded me of the time my wife & I took the "Behind the Seeds" tour at The Land pavilion in EPCOT. They have an aquaculture exhibit with catfish, eels, shrimp, tilapia and one big tank with about fifty 1-2 foot gators and we were there at feeding time. That was a hoot!
Scott G
I love the pictures of Mt. Rushmore. I want to visit there one day. The picture looks really good.
A digger in the a hidden hole. That does sound like more of a Habs thing. So the band camper s will now tell a story, "One time at band camp..."
Be safe and keep the storys and the pictures coming.
Take that picture of that little gator in that pond near your office if you get a chance and send it along...that thing was crazy!
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