Like the earlier GPS debacle, I've been having zero luck with the cell phone since about 1/2-way across Minnesota. I figured it hasn't been working because everything is so rural, but surely if I take a little detour north up to Pierre it'll work in the state capital!!! Why I put so much faith in Cingular I don't know...oh yeah, must have been that 12 pack I chugged for breakfast (j/k). What compounds the problem is the fact that I can rarely even find pay phones, and when I do they don't seem to let me make any long distance calls, regardless of how much change I pump in. I'm going to have to look on the Cingular coverage map...I don't remember it being this sparse when I got the phone...
After backtracking down to rt 90 from Pierre, I ran into an 1880's kind of cool western town on the way out to the Badlands. Pretty cool...definitely makes you think about how much things have changed in a relatively short period of time. Had to drive through the Badlands to get to the KOA for tonight, and some of the camp sites within the park looked empty. I was contemplating trying to stay right in the park (as opposed to 5 mi outside), but am I ever glad I went for the KOA - tonight was Indian taco night, and tomorrow is $2 all you can eat pancakes!!! So sweet! Besides that, the bathrooms, showers, etc. always seem to be impeccably clean, and there's wireless internet. Plus, this one and the one from last night seem to be mega quiet in comparison to that stupid Deer Creek raceway one!
Impeccable showers at the KOA!!

Funny thing...every morning when I wake up, everyone else is already gone...this is 8:30!!!

Whole lot of fields, and then some, for hours and hours...

1880's town pics...

My Hobart and William Smith college roommate had a prairie dog for a pet (for about a week before it ran away)...just like the cell phone, it was the old "bait and switch" - in the pet store, there was this sign that basically said "these guys make great pets". "Smokey" turned out to be an awful pet...all he wanted to do was burrow into things like the couch (which we had to cut open with a razor to reach in and get him out...he didn't take to that too well!). Anyhow, he finally got his way and the split second he had the chance, he ran into a gigantic old storage closet with years of ex-tenant furniture all over the place, and he was never heard from again (he squeaked a lot). Ok, enough on that.
Hey Andrew!
Beth clued us in to your trip blog, so I've been enjoying reading up on your progress...hope you don't mind! You've had quite a few adventures already, so I'm sure many more await you!
Are you planning to go to Wall Drug?? You've probably already seen about a million billboards for's a total TT, but something that I think everyone should experience.
Happy & safe travels -
Hey Sarah,
Yeah, I think I'm pretty close to it...there have been tons of signs for the past hundred miles or so. I'll let you know how it goes! Hope all's well.
Andrew, nice camp site. Were you the only person there on the camp ground?
That bathroom looks scary!
Mid week there seems to be several RVs, bad only a few tents, so it's nice and open. If you think that bathroom is bad, you should have seen the one in WI - tons of spiders everywhere...
Did you know I spent a summer on an Indian Reservation in South Dakota when I was in High school? It looked pretty much the same as your pictures show, but I was more in the eastern part of the state.
Are you going to see Mt. Rushmore???
This blog is really fun to watch and comment on!!!!
Hey "M",
I remember that you spent that summer out here, but I wasn't sure which part of the state. I'm going to go past Mt. Rushmore and maybe Devils Tower on Wed.
Catch you later!
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