It was a complete zoo in the town of Estes Park (right next to Rocky Mountain National Park). Initially I was going to bag the hike when I was sitting in traffic in the heat and getting soaked (literally the traffic was barely moving), but I pulled over and spoke to someone at a tourist booth. She told me about a local hike to Gem Lake right near where I was, and it turned out great.

The Gem Lake hike was picturesque...
Question: I feel guilty reading your daily posts and not posting any messages. Should I?
Are you guys going to drive back to Maine in August?
Habs - you would be proud of me. Last week, I worked a total of 73 hours.
No worries about the posts, although if you're at the office for 73 hours I'm sure you've got plenty of time for it - surely if it was all work you'd be in there for at least 98?!!
Good work keeping us "honest"
Some additional thoughts on Andrew's trip. I was following Andrew's posts in the days leading up to his arrival in Fort Collins. He presented a nice argument for camping and seemed to be enjoying the experience. Friday afternoon rolls around and Andrew shows up. From a distance, my first thought was that he looked uncomfortably hot, almost disoriented. Sure enough, it took about a gallon of water, a shower, and a seat in the shade on the back porch before he regained his composure. So I’m back to being a little unsure about this camping business……Kisiday
Traffic seem to follow you everywhere.
Guilt is only in the eye of the beholder - do what you want!
Oh so proud Pete! Impressive! Love to hear how that meeting went last week. When are you guys gonna Skype me?
Good call John to "question" the camping thing!
P.S. Love the description! That will be me in a week after only two days I think.
I LOVE little Remy. Why does he bite? Does he only bite you??? tee, hee...just teasing. - habitat
I love the scenery. Keep up the good work. By the way who's taking the pictures of you are you just using auto feature of the camera?
Regarding the camping; that was our family vacation every year until I was about 15. We would camp for two weeks near some springs on the WI bank of the St. Croix river across from Bayport, MN. You're roughing it quite a bit though and I'd tip my hat if I wore one. I dig up the gator pic for you and send it along!
Thanks for all of the comments all.
John was spot on with last was brutally hot and I'm trying not to use the A/C in my car, so I'm always a bit clammy!
When I met up with Dan last night, he told me that he was reading about the temps recently in Death Valley - 120+ degrees - looking forward to camping out there!
Scott - If there is someone around and I'm just going to stand there I'll get them to take the pic. Most of the time however I put the camera on a mini tripod and then delay the shot by 10 - 20 sec. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right (e.g. pics of biking, or even standing there but incorrect exposure or composition).
Happy Anniversary babe! Sick of me after 5 years? Better not be after being apart for 9 months! Ha, ha, ha! Luv ya!
Hope you're having fun in Aspen today!
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