I suppose the biggest news of the day was Habs coming into town. I sure hope she likes to rough it in the heat!! We're heading out to Moab UT for a couple of days. On the way to the airport I hit a sweet little disc golf course. It turns out I could have played the course about 8 times though, as Habs's little prop flight was 2 hours late (long time hanging out in the airport!!).
I was going to subject Habs to the rustic campground out in the desert, but decided to break her in easy with an established state park with a few trees for shade. She loved it....I think...........
Ok, enough said for now...
Disc golf course on the way to the airport... http://www.pdga.com/course/courses_by_city.php?id=1251

Long putt - nothing but chains people (and no, this is not "take 5" or anything like that ;)

Cha-ching...proof is in the pudding!

Here's that nice mountain range that the trees in the disc golf course pics were blocking. Nice and rocky, eh?!!! I was going to take a quick little jog up to the top but I had to pick up Habs at the airport ;)

Little Hab-attack shows up...late...but still smiling (must have been a good day at Scios (http://www.sciosinc.com/home). One thing about showing up late (>= 9pm) in Grand Junction - nothing's open (which actually worked out fine with me, as a gas station beef jerky dinner always hits the spot (Pete, PJ, and Jeffrey would be in heaven). P.S. a big happy 2nd birthday to Jeffrey.
Hab-Attack had a big smile on arrival. Just wonder if the smile stayed after you told her about the tent. I just love when Hab-Attack rights to you on the bog and signs "Love Habs" best part of your blog. P.S. how do you get the pictures when you are alone?
Keep it if up...the pictures and story is great. Best part is Dan drinking Vodka in "Russian Bar" in Denver.
Pete "AKA" Cliff
hI UNCLE andrew have a jerk for me
Thnak foooor the birthdsay wish
This took me about 20 minutes to get them to type. KIM
Amazing pictures of the ghost town - you couldn't pay me to spend a night in a tent there. It's a perfect story line for a horror movie -- they were never heard of again - just a rusty Honda joining the other wrecks. Dad
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