I knew of one disc golf course on the way that I wanted to hit, but I was almost immediately diverted by a huge wind farm that you could see in the distance from route 90. I got off and drove around on the dirt country roads until I got right up next to them. I LOVE wind farms - I'm definitely one of those people that would be fine having them in my back yard (re. there always seems to be so much contention about putting them up) - I think they're awesome and so contemporary. These windmills were huge (hundreds of feet), yet super quiet! Check these out:

I also solved the mystery of the stationary blades that you sometimes see in the distance (i.e. one windmill isn't spinning but all the rest in the field are). Check this out...there was someone working inside it. I think they were way up at the top. I heard periodic metallic clangs from deep within, but no one came out. I waited around for about 45 mins or so hoping that I'd get a chance to talk to someone about the wind project, but no such luck. Maybe I'll call them (there was a sign on the road with the project name/number) and see if they know anything about stuff in CA - what a sweet gig that would be.

Ok, here's that disc golf course. It was pretty good (holes were a little short), but as you can see there were challenges like the below. Unfortunately, I played one of the worst rounds of my life (I'm a wuss when it comes to sleep deprivation)...after that, I just wanted to get the heck out of there (seemed like I'd been in WI and MN for way too long)...time to move on!
Corn fields...what else?!!
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