After that I went down into Denver. I was going to meet up with Dan at night while he was in town for work. Before he got in, I went to check out the Denver aquarium. This place is awesome – they really go out of their way to deliver an experience that conveys the entire habitat that the fish live in, not just the fish. For example, there’s an exhibit with on open top wall tank with Indonesian fish, and behind the tank there’s an entire landscape with Indonesian tigers that roam around and sometimes jump into the tanks and swim around! It was sweet – I saw a tiger lunge at a little kid behind the glass – see pic! I tried to get the mom to get her kid to walk back and forth again a couple of times in front of the glass, but she didn’t seem too amenable to the idea ;)
I ended up meeting Dan downtown at his hotel for dinner and a few drinks. I took him to this Russian vodka bar (Red Square) that Habs and I had been to before - I think he liked it – see pic!
Sweet trout at the aquarium - wish I could have caught something like this in the river, but I'm too much of a 'rook in the fly fishing arena ;)

The Denver aquarium is pretty interactive...I'm within a few feet of this guy. They're kind of like kids on super doses of candy - they never stop moving around - it was kind of tough to get the shot!

Flash flood simulation...

A huge tank of water fills within about 20 sec...there's water everywhere, and if you stand next to the glass wall you'll get wet. Sorry about the pic - it was pretty dark in there so it was tough, but you get the idea...
Ok, the main event. Again, it was later in the day and a bit dim in the exhibit, but you get the idea. I bumped the ISO to 1600 and went for the fastest exposure I could without sacrificing too much clarity, yet check this out - lightning quick - the tiger lunged about 10 feet forward in way under a second and his paw hit the glass right where the kid was standing. You can also see the mom's gut reaction with her arm!! Like I said, unfortunately they didn't want to try again (whereas I was hoping for a chance for a better pic ;)
Waiting for another chance...
Ok, so back at Pfizer they offered these meditation classes through the gym (to combat the stresses of a corporate environment, of course!). Anyways, I took a few classes and now I can pretty much take a sitting nap when I need to. I was so beat at the aquarium and Dan's plane wasn't landing for another couple of hours, so I found this super sweet comfy chair down near the restaurant with nice A/C flowing all around and went for it! I was waiting for someone to be like "what are are you doing, and don't", but they loved it ;)

Here's Dan enjoying some Russian vodka at Red Square. There'd be a pic of me trying some too, except that I learned my lesson last time ;)
The pictures of the trout are soooo clear. Even the picture of the otter is fabulous. Ditto Andrew's comments re: the Denver acquarium, it is an amazing experience - you can even eat dinner there! They have a restaurant that's pretty nice, not your typical zoo/acquarium snack place, almost fine dining, and the whole restaurant faces a large tank with tons of fish in it. Sometimes diver's go in and hang out, or you can pay to have th diver put up a message in the tank while you're eating - to celebrate a birthday perhaps or Andrew says, verrry interactive!
One more comment, the Russia bar is pretty intense - tons of kinds of vodka not just from Russa but all over the Eastern bloc and beyond. Plus, they even have some Russian bars.
I'd hate to run into that tiger after tossing back a few at Red Square! Did you go up to the glass and taunt the tiger? You should - It's a good way to make friends.
Andrew, the acquarium/zoo concept is great. I have not heard of the combination anywhere else. Also seems like you are having some remarkable biking experiences. The tower photo sure reminded me of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I did not realize where it was until now. Dad
Your trip is just unbelievable, as in wonderfully unbelievable! My initial image of your driving across country was SO-O-O far off from what you had imagined and are now executing--my paltry thoughts were just so downright boring and extremely dull.
You are truly on a lifetime adventure trip that you will never regret or--forget. I am so happy that you decided to do it! I would not be surprised at all if other people follow your lead. Even on a less rigorous schedule, it would still be a marvelous adventure.
I LOVE seeing the pictures and reading the comments--you really have a way of making it seem like we are right there. I think an article in some adventure magazine is in order here...
Ditto Penny's remarks! Of course, I am biased but your commentary really tells the story/adventure you are having, and it's funny and entertaining. I definitely think you could try to publish it.
Thanks for the comments all!
At the Denver aquarium, I did my best to keep the tiger going, but he seemed to only want the young tyke. The same thing happened a couple of years ago when Habs and I went there...the tigers were snoozing, and all of a sudden a 2 year old in an orange shirt walks by. The tigers IMMEDIATELY got all agitated and started staring directly at the kid and continuously paced back and forth.
Over at Devils Tower, they actually show Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind every night on a big screen. I caught a bit of it when I was there.
Besides the assortment of vodkas, there was actually authentic Russian beer at Red Square too. It was basically labelled beer but with different numbers, e.g. a 7 would be high octane in comparison to a 2.
In terms of the adventure, that it is. Don't know if I could do this full time or anything though without getting to hook back up with some people I know every once in a while!
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