What’s up with the tolls on 90 on the way into the city? There were 3 of them within about 5 miles, and each time there was 1 lane for cash (which had a ½ mile backup) and 3-4 electronic/no cash ones. Literally had to wait 20 mins at one of the tolls to pay 15 cents, and then 2 miles down the road got screwed having to wait again and that toll was $2.50…absolutely weak!!
Because I was so late getting to Chicago, I was going to meet Teeps out a bar near her house. She left me these nice directions on how to catch the Damen bus…see pic. Of course in typical Andrew fashion I followed literally and took a bus going SOUTH on Damen, when I really needed to go north. By the time I figured it out, I was already a couple of miles south of the United Center in what seemed like a bad part of town, and the bus driver told me the last bus going back north had already left. It was pretty dark down there and there weren’t any cabs around…the run back was nice ;)
The following was very interesting (in comparison to NJ), for a while...

I thought a tornado was going to drop right down on top of me on the way to Chicago...this was right before a huge hail storm...

Yagadocious tolls...the ridiculous thing on top of it all was that when someone actually had the electronic pass and went in the special lane, the readers were broken so after a minute or so of red light, they simply backed up and had to join into the cash only lane.

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